How Gymnastics Can Teach Children Real World Skills
How Gymnastics Can Teach Children Real World Skills
gymnastics might just seem like a sport about swinging on bars and doing flips,
sports can teach children real world skills, turning them into successful
the course of a gymnast’s sporting career, he or she will be provided with an
educational buffet beyond biology and artistic athleticism.
learning includes physics, teamwork, patience, nutritional science, physical
and psychological toughness, planning, social skills, and work-life balance, to
name a few.
In fact, in 2015 the Harvard School of Education released a research project titled, “Why Your Kid Should Do Gymnastics if You Want Them to Develop the Kind of Character That Helps Them Succeed at School“.
Despite its long title, the outcome was simple. The study
of more than 4,000 young adults in the UK found the most important
characteristic to predict a child’s success is grit.
Grit – or determination, courage and a ‘growth mindset’ –
had more bearing on a child’s future success than their general intelligence or
exam results.
These findings are good news for families in Singapore,
given the Ministry of Education recently announced a big shake-up to the local
schooling system by removing some exams and doing away with school rankings on
report cards.
While some parents may struggle with this large movement
away from the status quo, it lays the groundwork for nurturing life-long learning
attitudes and skills. Overall, it will positively impact their results in
classroom, too.
Although gymnastics might just seem like a sport about
swinging on bars and doing flips in the air, the best thing your children will
receive from being exposed to it is education.
In the US, an NCAA study found more than 35% of gymnasts
at the college level achieved a GPA of 3.5 or better. And more than 90% of
college students involved in NCAA gymnastics graduated – a significantly higher
rate than those who didn’t participate in gymnastics.
The strong characteristics gained from doing gymnastics
will help to develop children into well-rounded adults with leadership
tendencies – here’s why:
1. Discipline And Perseverance
For many of us, probably one of the biggest barriers to
success is our inability to push ourselves beyond our limits. Too often when we
fail, we become demotivated. When something is too difficult, we give up or
pass the task onto someone else we feel can do it better. Resentment builds
inside of us when we have to stay late at the office because we just couldn’t
manage our time effectively.
Gymnasts are taught discipline very early on. This doesn’t
mean they’re expected to work through pain or suffer – but they understand that
in order to achieve their best, they must work hard. Children who focus on
gymnastics as a competitive sport will have razor sharp focus.
They might pass up school trips or sleepovers to train
late nights and early mornings. They are aware that success requires setting goals,
and they have the discipline to achieve them.
2. Less Fear Of Failure
Failure is a scary word for many of us. We have been
raised in a society that discourages mistakes and berates those who don’t
succeed the first time around. Thankfully this is changing, and our children
should know that failure doesn’t equal the end of the road.
Gymnasts are familiar with failure. It can take weeks or
months of failing to achieve a new skill before they succeed. Gymnasts are used
to falling down and getting back up on their feet again.
And even once they nail their routine, it doesn’t mean
they’re going to be the one walking home with the gold medal. It can get
frustrating at times, but they are hyper aware that failure is part of the
process – and this is an exceptionally strong mindset to instill in young
3. Work Ethic And Time Management
The average tech CEO works roughly 14 hours per day and
300 days per year. That comes to about 4,200 hours every year. But 30% of that time is spent on emailing, and
another third is spent jumping from meeting to meeting. With the final third of
their day, they’ve got to actually do their job.
Now look at a gymnast. A gymnast training for a
competition might be in the gym for about 15 to 20 hours per week – sometimes
more. That’s on top of a full day of school, homework, and social activities
with friends.
Some gymnasts are managing this delicate balance from a
young age. It creates incredibly capable and efficient adults who understand
the benefits of planning, prioritising and working smart.
4. Teamwork And Individual Accountability
Gymnastics is an individual sport, but teamwork is also
necessary for the overall success of the school, club or country they are
representing. During training, gymnasts work alongside a group of people who
become their friends, mentors and benchmarks for success.
They learn how to balance the need to lean on their
teammates for support and advice with their drive to perform individually and
show what they are capable of. Their tolerance levels are higher because of
this, and it helps them to strive for perfection.
This level of self-awareness instils accountability,
self-reflection and the ability to absorb critical feedback – all useful skills
in the ‘real’ world, beyond sports.
5. Resilience And Determination
Success takes time. While some people are naturally
talented in certain areas, even the best still need to practice and hone their
craft. An expert chef will cook until the recipe is perfect. The top performing
salesperson in your company likely took years to polish their technique.
And gymnasts, well, they truly know that the road to gold
is paved with practice – and delayed gratification. In today’s world of
quick-fixes and instant results, gymnasts learn to work hard towards
achievements that can take years to reach.
In sports and in business, there is always competition
nipping at your heels just waiting to steal the limelight. Just because you’ve
won before, doesn’t mean you’ll win again – and if you’re only as good as your
last win, then you need to constantly work to be at the top of your game.
This resilience and determination to constantly succeed is
part and parcel of gymnastics – and they know how to have a good time while doing
it, too. Their competitive edge always comes with a side of fun!
This article was contributed by Rosanna Trigg,
Director and Co-Founder, The Yard. Rosanna is also a former
gymnast, mother and entrepreneur.